Buddha’s Knowledge
Buddha Prayers

                       The thirty-seven bodhisattva practices

                                      Namo Lokeshvara
               To the ones who see that all phenomena neither come nor go.
                                And who seek only to benefit all beings.
                      TO the supreme lama and the protector Chenrezig.
                 Continually I bow in respect with body. speech.and mind

1.At this time when the difficult-to-gain ship of leisure and fortune has been obtainedceaselessly hearingpondering and meditating day and night in order to liberateoneselfand others from the ocean of cyclicexistence is the bodhisattvas’ practice.

2.[The mind of] attachment to loves ones wavers like water[The mind of] hatred of enemies burns like fire[The mind of] ignorance which forgets what to adopt andwhat to discard is greatly obscuredAbandoning one’s fatherland is the bodhisattvas’ practice

3.When harmful places are abandoneddisturbing emotionsgradually diminishWithout distractionvirtuous endeavors naturally increaseBeing clear-mindeddefinite understanding of the DharmaarisesResorting to secluded places is the bodhisattvas’ practice

4.Long-assiciated companions will part from each otherWealth  and possessions obtained with effort will be left behind Consciousnessthe guestwill cast aside the guest-house of the  bodyLetting go of this life is the bodhisattvas’ practice

5.When [evil companions] are associated withthe three poisons  increasethe activitives of listeningpondering and meditation  declineand love and compassion  are extingishedAbandoning  evil companions is the bodhisattvas’practive

6.When [sublime spiritual friends] are relied uponone’s faults  are exhausted and  one’s qualities increase like the waxing moonHolding sublime spiritual friends  even more dear than  one’s own  bodys is the bodhisattvas’ practice

7.What worldly godhimself also bound in the prison of cyclic  existenceis able to protect others? Thereforewhen refuge is soughttaking refuge in the undeceiving triple gem is the bodhisattvas’practive

8.The subduer said that all the unbearable suffering of the three lower  realms is the fruitions of wrongdoingThereforenever committing negative deedseven at peril to one’s lifeis the  bodhisattvas’practive

9.The pleasure of the triple worldlike a dewdrop on the tip of a blade of grassis imperiled in a single momentStriving for the supreme state of never-changing  liberation is the bodhisattvas’ practive

10.When mothers who have been kind to one since beginningless time are sufferingwhat's the use of one’s own happiness? Thereforegenerating the mind of  enlightenment in order to liberatelimitless sentient beings is the bodhisattvas’ pravtice

11.All suffering without exception comes from wishing for one’s own happinessThe perfect buddhas arise from the altruisticmindThereforecompletely exchanging  one’s own happiness for the suffering of others is the bodhisattvas’practive

12.Even if othersinfluenced by great desiresteal all one’s wealth or have it atolendedicating to them bodypossessions and virtues [accumulated in] the three times is the bodhisattvas’practive

13.Even if others cut off one’s head when one is utterly blamelesstaking upon oneself  all their negative deeds by the power of compassion is the bodhisattvas’practive

14.Even if someone broadcasts throughout the billion worlds all sorts of offensive remarks about onespeaking in turn of thatperson’s qualities with a loving mind is the bodhisattvas’practive

15.Even ifin the midst of a public gatheringsomeone exposes faults and speaks ill of onehumbly paying homage to that personperceiving him as a spiritual friendis the bodhisattvas’practive

16.Even if someone for whom one has cared as lovingly as his own child regards one as an enemyto cherish that person as dearly as a mother does an ailing  child is the  bodhisattvas’practive

 17.Even ifinfluenced by pridean equal or inferior person treats one with contempt
  respectfully placing him like a guru at the crown of one’s head is the bodhisattvas’ 

 18.Though one may have an impoverished lifealways be disparages by others
  afflicted  by dangerous illness and evil spirits
to be without discouragement and to take
  upon oneself all the misdeeds and suffering of being is the bodhisattvas’practive

 19.Though one may be famous and revered by many people or gain wealth like that
  worldly  fortune is without essence
to be unconceited the bodhisattvas’practive

 20.If outer foes are destroyed while not subduing the enemy fo one’s  own hatred
 Enemies will only increase
Thereforesubduing one’s own mind with the army of love
 and compassion is the bodhisattvas’practive

 21.However mush sense pleasureslike salt waterare enjoyedcraving still
Immediately abandoning whatever things give rise to clinging and attachment
  is the bodhisattvas’practive

 22.Appearances are one’s own mindFrom the beginningmind’s nature is free from 
  the  extremes of elaboration
Knowing  thisNot to engage the mind in subject-object
  duality is the bodhisattvas’practive

 23.When encountering pleasing sense objectthough they appear beautiful like a
  rainbow  in summertime
not to regard them as real and to abandon clinging attachment
  is  the bodhisattvas’practive

 24.Diverse sufferings are like the death of a child in a dreamBy apprehending illusory 
 appearances as real
one becomes weary
Thereforewhen  encountering
 disagreeable  circumstances
viewing  them as illusory  is the bodhisattvas’practive

 25.If it is necessary to give away even one’s body while aspiring to enlightenment
  what need is there to mention external objects? Thereforepracticing generosity without 
  hope of reciprocation or [positive] karmic results is the bodhisattvas’ practive

 26.Iflacking ethical conductone fails to achieve one’s own purposethe wish to
 accomplish other’s purpose is laughable
Thereforeguarding ethics devoid of
 aspirations for worldly existence is the bodhisattvas practive

 27.To bodhisattvas who desire the pleasures of virtueall those who do harm are like a
  precious treasure
cultivaing patience  devoid of hostility is the bodhisattvas’

28.Even hearers and solitary realizerswho accomplish only their
own welfare
strive as if putting out a fire on their heads

Seeing this
taking up diligent effort-the source of good qualities-for the sake of all benigs is the bodhisattvas’practive

29.Having understood that disturbing emotions are destroyed by insight possessed with
 tranquil abiding
to cultivate meditative concentration which  perfectly transcends the four
 formless [absorptions] is the bodhisattvas’ practive

30.If one lacks wisdomit is impossible to attain perfect enlightenment  through the
 [other] five perfections
cultivating skillful means with the wisdom that doesn’t
 discriminaten among the three spheres is the bodhisattvas’ practive

31.Ifhaving [merely] the appearance of a practitionerone does not investigate one’s
 own mistakes
it is possible to act constantly examining one’s own mistakesit is possible to  act contrary to the DharmaThereforeconstantly examining ons’s own errors and abandoning them is the bodhisattvas’ practive

32.Ifinfluenced by disturbing emotionsone points out another bodhisattva’s faultsoneself is diminshedThereforenot speaking about the faults of those who have
entered the Great Vehicle is the bodhisattvas’ practive

33.Because the influence of gain and respect causes quarreling and the decline of the activities of listeningpondering and meditationto abandon attachment to the households of friendsrelations and benefactors is the bodhisattvas’ practive

34.Because harsh words disturb other’s mind and cause the bodhisattva’s conduct to deteriorateabandoning harsh speech which is unpleasant to others is the bodhisattvas’ practive

35.When disturbing emotions are habituatedit is difficult to overcome them with antidotesBy arming oneself with the anidotal weapon of mindfulnessto destroy disturbing emotions  such as desire the moment they first arise is the bodhisattvas’ practive

36.In briefwhatever conduct one engages inone should ask”What is the state of my mind?”Accomplishing others’purpose through constantly maintaining mindfulness and awareness is the bodhisattvas’ practive

37.In order to clear away the suffering of limitless beingsthrough  the wisdom [realizing] the purity of the three spheresto dedicate the virtue attained by making such effort for enlightenment is the bodhisattvas’ practive

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