

今天尊貴的 菩曼仁波切又傳回一些災區作業的照片,仁波切說前幾天幫助挖掘工作告一段落後,今天挺進加德滿都最嚴重的災區Bagtapur,那裡嚴重缺乏的是食物、飲水、毛毯、帳篷等物資,所以仁波切率領舅舅 旺秋、弟弟 滇津、表弟 慈令還有幾位當地義工,再雇用三輛卡車先去採買相關物資,裝滿三車後就挺進災區發放救濟物資,災民分相走告前來領取物資,當地居民請求仁波切能否開店設立補給站。仁波切說明天會繼續救濟物資。


Apr. 29th. H.E.Bhumang Rinpoche he continued relief and he sent back some of disaster area pictures in this afternoon. Rinpoche he did some digging corpse and searching survive in couple days, today went to a place called Bagtapur one of the worst earthquake in Kathmandu, there's people need some supplements like food, drinking water, blankets and tents more than ever. So, Rinpoche lead his uncle Wangchuk, brother Tenzin, cousin Tsering and few of local volunteer, then hire three truck carrying supplements to distribute to them, Bagtapur local people request Rinpoche to open a shop like supply center. Rinpoche he will be continued to distribute.

As you can see the pictures, purchasing supplements, carry and distributed all by Rinpoche himself and working hard, he all wet to the skin cause rain and after sun came out then dry, and he smiley said: I'm lucky have no get the cold and no feel favor. I asking Rinpoche do you have plan ready come back? Rinpoche said: I'll spend more day here, give more help to them, if could let me disburden and no more worry about them, I'll go back..... From my as disciple's point view as look at Rinpoche, he is an Achievers of fully accomplish virtuous of body, oral and mind.

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