
2015-05-10 IDKC Nepal舉行研討會議

分別在五月八日與五月十日「國際直貢噶舉聯合總會-尼泊爾協會」簡稱 IDKC Nepal舉行災後研討會議,在尼泊爾的上師、仁波切及在家居士出席會議,參與討論以教派整體的立場援助尼泊爾事宜,另外法王指派法王私人總管策旺喇嘛與會,會中策旺喇嘛轉述法王對目前賑災的看法,IDKC Nepal在原來的本地7位理事成員基礎上,因應這次災難在加入外地4位成員而成立救災中心,策旺喇嘛也轉述了,法王在國外透過網路上看到菩曼仁波切能成功的執行災區救災工作而感到欣慰並表示感激,特別嘉許與稱讚菩曼仁波切對救災的努力與付出,法王更希望菩曼仁波切能加入這11位成員所組成的救災中心,投入救災事務。最後會議結論由尊貴的 菩曼仁波擔任救災中心的總指揮(Director),對仁波切來說加重了不少的責任。

On May 8th. and 10th. the International Drikung Kagyu Council-Nepal " IDKC Nepal "held a meeting and discussed about relief aid works, as this meeting is a from Drikung Kagyu lineage position to involve the relief aid, in the meeting had some Rinpoche and laypersons gathering and discussion, His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon also send his private chamberlain Lama Tsewang attend and bring some message from HIs Holiness, suggest as basic on 7 local member of IDKC Nepal increase 4 outsider as formation of a Relief Center, Lama Tsewang transmit His Holiness message as mention through the web known H.E. Bhumang Rinpoche successfully done many relief aid, His Holiness also felt thankful, special mention and praise Bhumang Rinpoche for relief efforts and pay what he did. So, His Holiness hope Bhumang Rinpoche could part of 11 member of relief center. Final conclusions of the meeting by the H.E. Bhumang Rinpoche as Director of the relief center. For Rinpoche as taking more responsibility.

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