
Drikung Bhumang Relief Nepal

A magnitude of 7.8 earthquake struk Nepal on April 25th, 2015. This nation had been severely devastated. The valuable cultural heritages such as Towering Dharahara , Patan Durbur Square, Basantapur and others were all shattered into pieces. It was the worst earthquake in 80 years. More than 8,000 lives were lost, this peaceful nation is now full of cries and fears.

Although Nepal received many aids from various countries, many remote villages are waiting for helps. The local youths made to these areas namely Sindhupalchowk, Kavre, Gorkha and Nuwakot in order to provide health and relief materials.

Drikung Bhumang Reliefs members were first to arrive Bhaktapur, a popular tourist destination now filled with rubble, villagers were hopeless and devastated. When Bhumang Reliefs members distributed water and necessities, it brought smiles and joys to villagers. The members also made to many other remote areas where people fighting for survival. Rice sacks, blankets and mats were all distributed without reservation.

Bhumang Reliefs members are proud to accomplish the life-saving mission guided by His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang. The members will continue to providing helps and supports to Nepalese.

Please accept our urgent call for donations and help to Nepal recover and stand firmly.


於2015年四月二十五日7.8級大地震重創尼泊爾。這個國家遭受到嚴重的摧殘。珍貴的文化遺產如 聳立的「達拉哈拉」、「 帕坦王宮廣場」、「 巴克塔普爾王宮廣場」及其他地方也都支離破碎。這次地震是八十年裡最慘烈的一次,已經超過8000人罹難,原本在這個平靜的國度裡現在充滿著哭泣與恐慌。雖然尼泊爾已經接受了來自許多國際上的援助,但仍有許多偏遠的村落正等待著救援。當地一些年輕朋友為 Sindhupalchowk、Kavre、Gorkha、Nuwakot等區域提供一些藥物與援助品。直貢菩曼救災團的成員們是第一個到達「巴克塔普爾」,這是一個熱門的觀光景點,而現在充滿了瓦礫碎片,居民們感到絕望與無助。當菩曼救災團的成員們分發飲用水與日用品時,也帶給居民們一些笑容與喜悅。成員們也援助了許多偏遠地區為求生存的人民,毫無保留的捐助許多袋米、毛毯與睡墊。菩曼救災團的成員們在尊勝直貢澈贊法王指導下完成生命救援而感到自豪,成員們將繼續提供援助與支持尼泊爾人民。懇請接受我們急迫的呼籲捐款,並協助尼泊爾早日恢復與重建家園。

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A magnitude of 7.8 earthquake struk Nepal on April 25th, 2015. This nation had been severely devastated. The valuable...

Posted by 菩曼日光林佛學會 Bhumang Nyihudling on 2015年5月15日

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